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descDate Name Thumbnail Size User Description Versions
23:56, 3 October 2013Pink egg 1.png (file)585 BChicken07Pink Egg 1 Breeds Chart1
23:56, 3 October 2013Offwhite egg 5.png (file)695 BChicken07Offwhite Egg 5 Breeds Chart1
23:55, 3 October 2013Offwhite egg 4.png (file)693 BChicken07Offwhite Egg 4 Breeds Chart1
23:55, 3 October 2013Offwhite egg 3.png (file)686 BChicken07Offwhite Egg 3 Breeds Chart1
23:55, 3 October 2013Offwhite egg 2.png (file)683 BChicken07Offwhite Egg 2 Breeds Chart1
23:54, 3 October 2013Offwhite egg 1.png (file)620 BChicken07Offwhite Egg 1 Breeds Chart1
23:54, 3 October 2013Green egg 5.png (file)695 BChicken07Green Egg 5 Breeds Chart1
23:53, 3 October 2013Green egg 4.png (file)702 BChicken07Green Egg 4 Breeds Chart1
23:53, 3 October 2013Green egg 3.png (file)688 BChicken07Green Egg 3 Breeds Chart1
23:53, 3 October 2013Green egg 2.png (file)678 BChicken07Green Egg 2 Breeds Chart1
23:52, 3 October 2013Green egg 1.png (file)605 BChicken07Green Egg 1 Breeds Chart1
23:52, 3 October 2013Brown egg 5.png (file)847 BChicken07Brown Egg 5 Breeds Chart1
23:51, 3 October 2013Brown egg 4.png (file)852 BChicken07Brown Egg 4 Breeds Chart1
23:51, 3 October 2013Brown egg 3.png (file)844 BChicken07Brown Egg 3 Breeds Chart1
23:51, 3 October 2013Brown egg 2.png (file)842 BChicken07Brown Egg 2 Breeds Chart1
23:50, 3 October 2013Brown egg 1.png (file)757 BChicken07Brown Egg 1 Breeds Chart1
23:50, 3 October 2013Blue egg 5.png (file)663 BChicken07Blue Egg 5 Breeds Chart1
23:49, 3 October 2013Blue egg 4.png (file)667 BChicken07Blue Egg 4 Breeds Chart1
23:49, 3 October 2013Blue egg 3.png (file)658 BChicken07Blue Egg 3 Breeds Chart1
23:49, 3 October 2013Blue egg 2.png (file)650 BChicken07Blue Egg 2 Breeds Chart1
23:48, 3 October 2013Blue egg 1.png (file)585 BChicken07Blue Egg 1 Breeds Chart1
23:22, 3 October 2013White egg 5.png (file)829 BChicken07White Egg 5 image for Breeds Chart1
23:21, 3 October 2013White egg 4.png (file)829 BChicken07White Egg 4 image for Breeds Chart1
23:21, 3 October 2013White egg 3.png (file)822 BChicken07White Egg 3 image for Breeds Chart1
23:21, 3 October 2013White egg 2.png (file)822 BChicken07White Egg 2 image for Breeds Chart1
23:13, 3 October 2013White egg 1.png (file)757 BChicken07White Egg Rating image 1 for Breeds Chart1
22:39, 3 October 2013Ancona for chart.png (file)12 KBChicken07Small ancona cock for Breeds Chart1
10:31, 27 June 2013Blue bantam australorp.JPG (file)2.11 MBWingletBantam Australorp rooster courtesy of Winglet from BYP1
20:52, 16 June 2013Araucana cockerel.jpg (file)59 KBChicken07Photo by Jomias - Backyard Poultry Gallery1
20:46, 16 June 2013Araucana egg colour.jpg (file)16 KBChicken07Photo by pacer - Backyard Poultry Gallery1
20:32, 16 June 2013Araucana chick.jpg (file)23 KBChicken07Photo by Pengilda, Backyard Poultry Gallery.1
20:13, 13 June 2013Lavender Mottled Belgian hen 2006.JPG (file)65 KBChicken07Source Andy Vardy Lavender mottled d'Uccle hen courtesy Kerrin O'malley 20061
20:11, 13 June 2013Citroen Millefleur Belgian hen 2006.JPG (file)72 KBChicken07Source: Andy Vardy Citroen Millefleur d'Uccle hen courtesy Kerrin O'malley 20061
20:06, 13 June 2013Barn eggs.jpg (file)27 KBChicken07Source: Andy Vardy Setting of large eggs courtesy mark & fiona (NZ) 20051
20:04, 13 June 2013Barnevelder.jpg (file)84 KBChicken07Source: Andy Vardy Large double laced Cockerel Courtesy Anita 20051
20:02, 13 June 2013Barnevelder pullet.JPG (file)68 KBChicken07Source: Andy Vardy at Large double laced female, David Geering 20061
11:15, 13 June 2013Australorp hen.jpg (file)143 KBChicken07Source: Photo by Andy Vardy. Large black Pullet D&J Wilson 20041
11:14, 13 June 2013Australorp cockerel.jpg (file)61 KBChicken07Source: Photo by Andy Vardy - large black cockerel, Hudson & Brown 20041
11:08, 13 June 2013Aussie pit game2.jpg (file)21 KBChicken07Source: Large black rooster, Courtesy Matthew Vearing 20051
11:05, 13 June 2013Aussie pit hen.jpg (file)36 KBChicken07Source: Black bantam hen, Courtesy George Plunkett 20061
11:02, 13 June 2013Aussie pit game.jpg (file)51 KBChicken07Source: large black-red cock, Yard of L. Austin. photo courtesy K. Johns, 20051
10:14, 12 June 2013Cinnamon Female.JPG (file)50 KBChicken07Photo from Cinnamon Female courtesy Trevor Hunt 20061
09:53, 12 June 2013Langshan.jpg (file)51 KBChicken07Australian Langshan. Blue bantam cock courtesy Nick Masin 2006 Photo source: http://www.backyardpoultry.com1
09:48, 12 June 2013Aussie game 2005 011.jpg (file)93 KBChicken07Photo: Andy Vardy Pen of large duckwings courtesy Andrew Brewer 20051
05:32, 12 June 2013Araucana.jpg (file)72 KBChicken07Photo: Andy Vardy. Large lavender female owned by RG Lindsay 20041
05:28, 12 June 2013Andalusian.jpg (file)21 KBChicken07Andalusian. Photo by Andy Vardy. large Blue Hen owned by Jack Wesley 20051
05:24, 12 June 2013American game.jpg (file)48 KBChicken07Troiano, K. (2001) Gamefowl Breeders Manual and Cockers Guide. Volume 2 Understanding the Principles of Breeding and the Laws of Inheritance.1
04:36, 12 June 2013Ancona chick head.JPG (file)17 KBChicken07 1
04:30, 12 June 2013Ancona cock.jpg (file)52 KBChicken07From Backyard Poultry Gallery by Neil
04:22, 12 June 2013Ancona hen.jpg (file)43 KBChicken07Ancona hen. Photo by Cathy Newton for www.backyardpoultry.com1

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