Main Page

From Backyard Poultry Wiki
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Backyard Poultry Wiki is on online collaborative project which aims to provide public access to poultry knowledge. As it grows, we hope it will become a reservoir of poultry content which will assist in the promotion of keeping, breeding and promoting purebreed and other backyard poultry types. At the moment we are beginning with breed pages and poultry health, but this wiki will go in whatever direction contributors take it.

To contribute to the wiki you need to be a forum member and to be added to a special forum group. You need to contact a forum moderator or administrator to be added to that group. After that you may log in here with your forum account to edit or add pages. To contact us, or any of the Backyard Poultry Team, go to Contact Backyard Poultry Administration page.

Backyard Poultry Wiki Index

Poultry Breeds Charts

  * Chicken Breeds Chart
  * Duck Breeds Chart

Poultry Breeds

  * Chicken Breeds
  * Duck Breeds
  * Goose Breeds
  * Guinea Fowl
  * Turkeys

Poultry Health

  Poultry Diseases
  *  Fowl Pox
  *  Marek's Disease

Consult the Contents User's Guide for information on using the wiki software.

Getting started