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Tall, Duck and Handsome

by Sharon Kennedy

Blue drake on grass
My blue Cayuga Drake
Blue drake
Big Cayuga yng duck 2
Champion Cayuga Duck
Saxonies 5 weeks
5 week old Saxony and Cayuga ducklings
Old Saxony duck 2
Adult Saxony duck
Saxony drake
One of the drakes in show pen
Saxony ducklings hatching in incubator
Hatching Saxonies
Saxony on nest
Biggest nest ever!
Sugarcane mulch covered Saxony shelter
shelter with sugarcane mulch on top to keep shaded nests cool in summer.
chicks and ducklings
Everyone grows up together…
Little and Large
This pair are the same age!
one wicked big Cayuga drake
Then they grow up to be champions!