Chatty Chicks is a breeder of quality purebred Silkie chickens in colours; White, Splash, Grey, Blue, and Black. We are based in Cedar Vale 4285, which is 1 hour drive from either Brisbane City or the Gold Coast.
All of our Silkies come vaccinated for both Marek's Disease and Fowl Pox, are regularly treated for internal/external parasites, and are professionally vent sexed.
We also stock a range of chook products, including; feeders/drinkers, spot-on parasite treatment, medicated grower crumbles, chicken coop decals, and scented coop rocks.
Prices for our Silkies range from $10-$20 for Roosters, $30-$40 for Pullets, and $50-$60 for Point of Lay Hens.
Chickens - Softfeather ยป Silkie
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Christine of Suburban Chooks has contributed the content for the first of our Chook Fact Pages. Her topic this week is Adding New Chickens to the
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