Dorking Chickens - Softfeather

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Alaryn Farm

South Bingera, Qld 4670

We have the beautiful Welsh Harlequin Ducks and the Barnevelder and Red Dorking chooks. All are ideal for the small holding enthusiast or the breeder

Chookloop Rare and Heritage Breed Poultry

Yarloop, WA 6218

We have fertile eggs available for posting Australia wide.
We also have chicks available for pickup.
Check our website for details.

DORKING (Silver Grey, Large)

Central Victoria 3447

Silver Grey Dorkings available from early September 17. Fertile eggs available now.

Dorking breeder

Barraba, NSW 2347

Breeder of Silver Grey, White and Red Dorkings, Large.
Silver Grey, Black, Dark & Cuckoo all in Bantam Dorkings.
Working on Dark, Coloured , Birchen,


12 Ashwin St
Violet Town
Violet Town, VIC 3669

Also Wyandottes, Plymouth Rock, Orpingtons, Dorkings.
I only breed quality chickens with good temperaments for the enthusiasts and family. Now in

Hillview Poultry

Northam, Western Australia

Specialising in day old chickens up to point of lay in Rhode Island Red, Speckled Sussex, Platinum Sussex, Silver Grey Dorking, Silkie and French

Just Dorkings

Huonville, Tasmania

Large Silver-grey Dorkings

Meltyden Stud

8000 Pacific Hwy
Australia, 2423

We strive ourselves on breeding quality Large Dorking

Rocky Hill Farm

Macedon Ranges, Victoria 3442

Standard Dorking
Cayuga Ducks - seperate victorian bloodlines.

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