Cochin Chickens - Softfeather

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Chookloop Rare and Heritage Breed Poultry

Yarloop, WA 6218

We have fertile eggs available for posting Australia wide.
We also have chicks available for pickup.
Check our website for details.


Central Victoria

I breed Black and Blue Cochin to the original Cochin Standards.

I am also working on other colours but they are a few years off just now. PM or email

Cochins bred by Yummy Gardens Melbourne

Victoria 3761

Yummy Gardens has several breeds of chooks including Cochins available at various times throughout the year.

Indian Runners, Brahmas, Pekins.....

Illaroo, NSW 2540

During the Season I will have hopefully some of the below available as unsexed chicks, Ducklings eggs only become available after fertility has been

Narmu Rare Breeds Poultry

Yass, NSW 2582

Love rare breeds, in particular the dual purpose/meat birds.

Yummy Gardens

We breed Australorps, Cochins, French Wheaten Marans and Silkies. We also sell Australorp cross New Hampshire.

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